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The 6 Private Ambulance Taiping Perak you need to know

Seniora Author

Bedridden, post-operative or immobile patients might need the help of private ambulance when discharging from hospital and attending to medical appointments etc.

Here are the lists of private ambulance that we managed to in touch with.

Keep the contacts of Private Ambulance Taiping in hand so that you have more options when in need!

Private ambulance Taiping

1/ DK Ambulance / Van Ambulans Percuma Taiping

Pricing is affordable and service is great.

Additionally, they do provide free charity ride for the underprivileged.

Your support does help them to serve the needy people.

free ambulance taiping

DK Ambulance Contact: 016-7260003

2/ St John Ambulance

Very established in whole Malaysia. The service is tip top and affordable as well.

St John Ambulance Taiping

St John Ambulance Taiping

St. John Ambulance Contact: 011-53592088

3/ KV Ambulance

KV Ambulance Taiping

Contact: 017-7387585

4/ Aeromed Ambulance

Newly operate private ambulance in Taiping. It is always good to have more service providers in the market.

Private ambulance Taiping

Aeromed Ambulance Contact: 011-40311531

5/ Life Harmony Ambulance

Private ambulance Taiping

Life Harmony Ambulance

Contact: 016-5074230

6/ KPJ and Columbia Hospital Ambulance

The private hospital in Taiping such as KPJ and Columbia do provide Ambulance service to their patients at certain charges. It is only limited to travel to and from their respective Hospital. You may contact KPJ and Columbia Hotline for the service.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The price of one-way private ambulance service within Taiping is ranged from RM50-RM120. These Ambulance Service usually will list out that they do provide other caregiver and rental services. However, it is better to go direct to Pharmacy or Seniora for a direct professional service and a better pricing.

Besides, if your parents are mobile and need help to attend to medical appointments, don’t hesitate to call Seniora Team to help you out!

a elderly on wheelchair accompany by buddy

We have MEDICAL ESCORT SERVICE with a team of Professional Caregiver to assist your parents from head to toe and provide you a detailed report for each appointment!

Call: +6011-28992968

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